Saturday, November 26, 2011

36 weeks

Things are still going smoothly at 36 weeks. We had our last measurement ultrasound on Wednesday and the babies' estimated weights are now 4 lbs. 13 oz. and 4 lbs. 2 oz. Baby A is bigger than Baby B but this is nothing to be concerned about.  If I don't go into labor on my own, an induction will be scheduled for December 8th or 9th at 38 weeks. So within 2 weeks, the girls will be here! If only we could decide on names... 

Monday, November 14, 2011

34 weeks

We are in the home stretch! 34 weeks is a big milestone, especially for twins. If they were to be delivered now, although premature, they would most likely be in good health and would need little or no medical intervention. The average delivery age for twins is 36 weeks.

Since Pat is usually the one behind the camera, we realized we had very few pictures together and took some time to get some photos.

Grandma, Aunt Riley, and Uncle Dudley

Finally, here's some proof that pregnancy brain can be contagious (sorry, Pat):

Amy Redgate 10:32 am
        your key is probably in the bin in the kitchen

predgate1 10:33 am
        i looked
        it is not there
        please check ur bag

Amy Redgate 10:34 am
        i did
        i know i saw it

 predgate1 10:36 am
        i saw them too
        idk what happened
        i know they are in the house if u did not take them
        because i unlocked the door to get in last night

Amy Redgate 10:36 am
        you probably put them in the fridge

predgate1 10:37 am
        i opened the fridge
        and they fell out

Amy Redgate 10:37 am
        for real?

predgate1 10:37 am
        thank you!

Amy Redgate 10:37 am
        i think you have pregnancy brain

Sunday, November 6, 2011

33 weeks

Things are still going well! I had fetal monitoring twice last week and things are looking good for both babies. They have good heart rates and movement. We are taking it day by day, but hopefully things will continue smoothly for the next month.

My company really gets into Halloween so I went with the obvious costume choice...

And here are some photos my resident photographer took of me at 33 weeks. The bare belly photo is one you won't see on Facebook!