Sunday, August 21, 2011

last weekend in little italy

This is our last weekend living in Baltimore's Little Italy before we move out to the greener pastures of suburbia. We've loved living down here and being able to walk a few blocks to the harbor, Fells Point, a block from Whole Foods and Pat's gym, and my 10 minute walking commute to work (which has become more like 15 minutes lately when I do walk).  We won't miss the weekend night noise, smelly restaurant dumpsters on hot summer days, and random garbage left on our steps. Overall, we will really miss it and are glad we had the experience of living here for the last 10 months.

To celebrate our last weekend here after a long day of packing, we went out for a Little Italy dinner.

Vaccaro's delicious Italian pastries

Ciao, Little Italy

Monday, August 8, 2011

stop kicking your sister

We had our big 20-week anatomy ultrasound last Friday and we have two girls who are growing right on track! During this ultrasound, they take measurements of all the body parts, examine the chambers of the hearts, and, of course, confirm the genders. They are able to determine from the measurements that Twin A is 10 ounces and Twin B is 9 ounces.

Although I can't feel them moving yet, the twins were very active and moving all around. Twin B was kicking Twin A in the head repeatedly which we captured on this video of the ultrasound monitor. It's a little hard to see, but you'll see Twin A on the left and Twin B on the right. Twin A is facing to the right. Twin B is lying on her back curled up with her legs over her head. You can see her kicking Twin A in the head a couple of times and kneeing her in the nose towards the end. They are actually in separate sacs but the sacs are so thin, that it really doesn't cushion anything. It's a little easier to see if you click the icon on the bottom right of the video player to view in full-screen mode.

 Here are some other photos.
Twin A's head on the right looking downward with Twin B's legs crossed to the right.

Twin B's profile (laying on her back with her head on the right) and Twin A's foot above her head.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

halfway there

I'm more than halfway now at about 20 weeks.

Coincidentally, I cracked open an egg this weekend to find a double yolk. Very symbolic!