Sunday, August 21, 2011

last weekend in little italy

This is our last weekend living in Baltimore's Little Italy before we move out to the greener pastures of suburbia. We've loved living down here and being able to walk a few blocks to the harbor, Fells Point, a block from Whole Foods and Pat's gym, and my 10 minute walking commute to work (which has become more like 15 minutes lately when I do walk).  We won't miss the weekend night noise, smelly restaurant dumpsters on hot summer days, and random garbage left on our steps. Overall, we will really miss it and are glad we had the experience of living here for the last 10 months.

To celebrate our last weekend here after a long day of packing, we went out for a Little Italy dinner.

Vaccaro's delicious Italian pastries

Ciao, Little Italy


  1. YOu look terrific Amy. Can't wait to see you in September.

  2. Looks like bella...I mean belly Italy. J/k.
    Big Wave
