Friday, October 28, 2011

32 weeks

We had an ultrasound this week, and while the babies are doing well and appear healthy, they are measuring small for their age. Baby A is 3lbs. 2oz and Baby B is 3lbs. They should be closer to 4lbs. each. The doctor said this is nothing to be concerned about, but as a matter of practice, if babies are in the 10th percentile for weight they recommend fetal monitoring twice a week. I will need to go to Hopkins twice a week for a couple of hours at a time going forward so that they can monitor the babies heart rate and movement.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

31 weeks and aunt laurie's visit

At almost 31 weeks, I'm still feeling pretty good. I'm going to work every day and aside from some swollen feet, heartburn and general discomfort, I can't complain.  The babies' growth (and mine) is pretty apparent week over week. Going forward, the babies will be entering a growth spurt and will be gaining about 3 oz. per week per baby. I'm a little nervous about what these means for my body!

Laurie came to visit this weekend and saved the day by helping assemble the cribs, changing table/dresser and baby swing. Once we get the nursery painted and the bedding and curtains arrive, we should be in good shape with the room.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

29 weeks

I'm just about 29 weeks along. Since the babies will be delivered at 38 weeks (at the latest) that leaves only about 8-9 weeks longer. We hope they decide to stay in there that long since we still have a lot to prepare before then...and we obviously want them to be big and healthy!  We can see and feel a lot of action now as they have been moving around a lot in the past few weeks.

I'm now going to the doctor every 2 weeks with ultrasounds every 4 week to measure the babies' growth and to make sure they are both developing at a fairly equal pace. At last week's appointment, Baby A weighed 2 lbs. 3 oz. and Baby B weighed 2 lbs. 1 oz.

We didn't get any good pictures of Baby B as her hands were blocking her face.  We did get this fairly good 3D picture of Baby A. Since no one can ever see actually tell what the pictures are actually of (except the parents), I labeled this one to make it a little easier. She is facing to the right, her arms are up and her hands are in front of her face.