Friday, August 3, 2012

7 months - Movin' and Groovin'

In the last few weeks, Emily and Madeline have made some truly amazing advancements. It's incredible to see how quickly they change and develop. They are so engaged with everything they do and their surroundings. They are both sitting and crawling - Madeline was first and Emily was soon after. And Madeline is now able to pull herself up and stand.   Babyproofing is in full-effect.

Here are some of the fun things they have been doing:

Emily swinging at the park

Emily finger paints

Madeline loves the pool!

Day trip to Kent Island

Sitting (and crawling)

Madeline standing


  1. Nice pics. You go Baby B. I can see trouble on the horizon for Pat. These girls look like they are going to be a handful. Where is Kent Island?

    I ask once again...Which came first the chicken or the egg? I thing the answer is quite apparent.

    Peace Out G & Amy

    1. B.W.D., Kent Island is about an 1 hour and 15 minutes from us on the Chesapeake Bay.

  2. The girls are getting so big. Unbelievable. I can see you and Pat are enjoying them. Hope to meet someday.
