Monday, December 26, 2011

2 weeks old

We've been home for about a week and half now and are starting to get the hang of things. Madeline and Emily are changing every day and are both becoming more alert and aware of their surroundings. The adults haven't been getting too much sleep between the feedings every 2-3 hours, but we are making it work with taking shifts overnight.

We had been concerned about the girls' weights, especially Madeline who dropped to under 4lbs.  before leaving the hospital. She had a lot of difficulty getting the full amount of food she needed and staying awake through a feeding, but she is eating much better now. Both girls had gained a healthy amount of weight at their two-week pediatrician appointment and are now above their birth weights. They also each grew 3/4 of an inch.

Here are some pictures from when the girls were first born and their first couple of weeks.

Happy Grandma

Uncle Mike and Aunt Laurie

Proud Grandfather and Aunt

Madeline and Emily

Amy and Emily, Anna and Madeline
Daddy's girls
First family picture