Wednesday, December 7, 2011

38 weeks - the end of the line

Amazingly, we have made it full-term!  So now, the twins are getting evicted. I am scheduled to be induced starting Friday night (December 9th). We will go into the hospital around 7pm and they will start the induction process. This may take 2-3 days depending on how fast things progress with labor and how things go.  We are hoping we can avoid a C-section if possible, but it could still happen if labor doesn't go as fast as it needs to, or if a baby is in distress, etc. I should get some kind of award for this, I think!

It's very exciting but we are also nervous!   We are as ready as we can be though.

Here are some pictures of the nursery for those who have been asking. We still need some finishing touches, but it is coming together.


  1. But Mommy!!! We like it in here!!!

  2. FRIDAY?! I'll have to get my mom and sisters to start packing. The nursery is gorgeous.

  3. Love the nursery! Can't wait to hear your good news :-) Checking everywhere for updates!
